Payment Method provides PayPal payment and credit card payments supported by PayPal.

If you pay by credit card, your payment might be somehow denied at the checkout. Some conditions can prevent your payment from going through if you've had a credit card payment declined.

  • The payment amount exceeds your daily spending limit.
  • Some issuing institutions to protect credit card security, will refuse to deal with some overseas consumption.
  • You entered the wrong information
  • If you've reached your credit limit, you won't have enough available credit to purchase if you have a low credit limit.


Under such circumstances, here are some solutions for you:

  • Contact your payment card's issuing institution and ask them to adjust your daily spending limit.
  • Contact your payment card's issuing institution and explain that the transaction is for your consumption.
  • Double-check to make sure that you entered all of your card information correctly.
  • If you have a Paypal account, try to pay by PayPal.
  • If you do not have a Paypal account, please select PayPal still at the checkout page & click the complete order button. Then you'll be directed to a page with access to both PayPal and Debit/Credit card payment (for the latter option, you don't have to register for PayPal). Then you can complete your order with your credit card.